
Despite being one of the most well-regarded camera manufacturers in the world for over half a century, until recently Nikon had never really made a massive splash in the mirrorless CSC market. However, with consumer tastes and trends changing over the last decade, Nikon showed the world that they are still at the forefront of camera development and innovation.

Ever since Nikon introduced the Z Series in 2018, the camera lineup has grown tremendously. The initial cameras, Z6 and Z7, have evolved into their second or third-generation models, the Z7 II and Z6 III. Along the way, Nikon introduced the high-end Z9, which captured significant attention, followed by the popular and more affordable Z8.

Check out our Best Mirrorless Cameras buying guide for our camera recommendations. Not sure what megapixels or ISO means? Our Photography Jargon Buster: An A-Z of Photographic Terms is here to help you out.

Nikon Mirrorless Cameras at a Glance